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It is highly recommended that you follow Posh Beauty Artistry’s Pre & Post Care instructions to ensure the best possible results and longevity of your cosmetic tattoo. This information acts as a guideline only. We cannot guarantee results. Each client’s skin responds differently both in how long it takes to heal, and the number of sessions needed for color retention and desired results. It is important that you take good care of your brows while healing and beyond.

Before my Eyeliner Appointment

Pre-care instructions MUST BE STRICTLY FOLLOWED to limit bleeding and skin sensitivities during the service. Excessive bleeding and sensitivity during the procedure will dilute and expel the pigment color and lead to poor results.

Benadryl taken before the procedure may reduce swelling and help you relax. Benadryl also helps eyes not be so watery during eyeliner procedures.

  • Do not work out on the day of the procedure.

  • Do not drink alcohol 24 hours prior to your procedure.

  • Do not consume coffee or other caffeine products 24 hours prior.

  • Do not tan two weeks prior to the service, or have a sunburned face.

  • Do not wear any makeup and eyes should be free of any moisturizer

  • Do not lash tint 2 weeks before, and do not dye or perm lashes for 10 days prior to the procedure

  • You must have your  lash extensions one week prior to this procedure

  • If you wear contact lenses, you must remove them before the procedure.

  • Lash serums such as latisse will cause sensitivity to your lash line. We recommend discontinuing use of lash serum 4 weeks prior appointment.

  • If you have an eye infection or stye on the procedure date you cannot have this treatment done.

  • If you have had Lasik or Cataract Surgery you must get medical clearance from your physician.

  • Please note that you will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.

  • The skin must be free of all irritations including blemishes, eczema, and psoriasis.

  • Must be off Accutane medication for six months prior to getting a Cosmetic Tattoo.

  • Do not have Botox or fillers 3 weeks prior to the procedure. Please inform us of any current injections.

  • Stop taking Fish Oil, Vitamin C, one week prior to your appointment as they thin the blood and prevent the pigment from implanting correctly, meaning your tattoo may heal patchy.

  • Discontinue the use of any anti-aging, skin brightening or anti-acne skincare products. Particularly those that contain Alpha Hydroxy (AHA), Vitamin A, Retinol. Ideally, do not use these products for 30 days prior to your appointment, and yes, even if you do not use it near the area to be treated it does spread under your skin and your cosmetic tattoo will heal patchy. Once your tattoo has healed under the skin surface (approximately 6 weeks following your final session) you may resume your usual skin care routine.

  • Do not schedule any facials, microdermabrasion, microneedling, peels or laser treatments for at least 4 weeks prior to your appointment.

  • Please avoid any type of blood thinning medication for a minimum of 72 hours prior to your procedure unless it is unsafe to do so for your health. Please ask your doctor before stopping these types of medications. Such as: Ibuprofen, Aspirin, or Advil as well as prenatal vitamins, and  Vitamin E. Tylenol is recommended if you have a low pain tolerance.

  • We recommend having a ride home after an eyeliner procedure if you are sensitive to light, and eyes may be dilated afterward.

Eyeliner After Care

All permanent makeup procedures consist of a comprehensive process to achieve long lasting, low maintenance and optimal results. There are NO guarantees that can be made because healed results vary for each individual! We all have different skin types and conditions. Please be aware that the color intensity will be considerably brighter. Swelling and redness is to be expected immediately after the procedure as the skin is very thin in this area  (it will give off the appearance of as you have been crying). Itching is also normal. The length of time it takes to heal varies from person to person.  The swelling shall subside in a few hours. It takes an average about 4-5 days for the scabs to naturally fall off.  Your true color will not be apparent until the 4-6 week mark.

*Always Wash hands before touching brows*


Day 1:

Your eyeliner color is approximately 30% darker than it will be when it’s healed. It will also appear slightly larger than it will heal in just a few days. This is due to color oxidation as well as a small amount of swelling and it is a normal part of your healing process. .The treated area may experience minimal swelling, redness, flaking, dryness and itchiness  between 1 to 10 days after the treatment, which are all common and will only last a short period of time. Ice packs can be applied for 10 minutes each hour for the first 4-8 hours following the procedure. The ice is used to reduce swelling and provide comfort. If you experience any residual swelling the following day, you may ice them again. After the first 24 hours the use of ice is no longer beneficial.

On the day of the procedure cleanse eyes with the water wipes provided. For the first 4 hours clean the eye area in a padding motion, this is to absorb excess lymph fluid. Removing this fluid prevents hardening of any blood/lymphatic fluids and lessens the chance of scabbing. Before Bedtime Wash + Dry (Paper Towel) + Do not apply ointment (until next day)

Days 2-3:

Your color will darken temporarily as the pigment oxidizes and thin scabs will form. You may wake up slightly puffy but you can remedy this by sleeping on an incline or applying an ice pack cool compress. Your eyeliner will feel tight and dry, but not painful. Wash your eyes gently in the morning and evening with lukewarm water. (Do not use rubbing motions, use dabbing motions) dry your eyes with a paper towel before applying ointment. Apply the provided ointment on the treated area with a clean q-tip or clean fingertips.


Days 3-7:  Your eyeliner will begin flaking until there is no scabbing left. You want to allow healing to shed naturally. Once all scabbing has finished flaking, it is common for the color to appear lighter than it will eventually heal. This lighter color is only temporary as your freshly healed skin is hiding the true color underneath. Over the next several weeks your eyeliner color will bloom.


Apply Ointment: Apply ointment sparingly 2 to 3 times a day. Use the Q-tip in a gentle dabbing motion as not to disrupt the pigmentation bonding process. This will keep the area moist and accelerate the healing. If scabs form, keep ointment on them at all times. Do not rub the area in any way.

Day 7-9: All shedding should be complete. You are safe to shower facing the shower head. During this time, the pigment may appear to have vanished, this is a normal part of the healing process, and the pigment will re-emerge.

Day 10: Pigment, if it faded, should have returned. What you see now is very close to the healed result. If it is not as you like, please wait the final 4 weeks and return for a touch-up procedure.

Day 42: At 6 weeks your eyeliner is fully healed.

It’s now okay for you to come back in for your follow up. Any adjustments such as darkening the color or altering the shape can be done at this appointment.

NOTE: When showering make sure you wash your hair with your head tilted backwards to avoid shampoo and conditioner from getting into the treated areas. Do not face the shower head because of water pressure purposes. You will be dry healing the area. This means no water on the area for a minimum of 10 days. This includes sweating. When showering or washing your face, please make sure water is not running into the eyes. You can use oil free wipes to clean your face, just make sure you are avoiding the eye area.


Use a fresh pillowcase

Apply thin layer of ointment provided

Avoid hot, sweaty exercise for 10days

Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 3-4 weeks after the procedure.

Sleep on your back and avoid sleeping your face for 10 days


  • Use contact lenses for 48 hours.

  • Apply any makeup for 10 days.

  • Workout for 48 hours after the procedure

  • Sunbath or tan for 4 weeks after procedure

  • Wear heavy makeup of any kind for at least 2 weeks after the procedure.

  • Use an eyelash curler the day of the procedure.

  • Use saline eye drops/wash or mascara until healed

  • Rub, pick, or scratch the area when it starts to flake. Leave it

  • Use any ointments (apart from the one provided), creams, vitamins on area

  • No sauna, swimming, beach, hot tubs until scabs are completely GONE!

  • Schedule facials, Botox, chemical treatments, or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks

  • Use mascara until outer healing is complete. Do not use old tubes of mascara.  Replace old with new.

  • Have water on the eyeliner and the use of cleaners, soaps and heavy creams. (makeup wipes will be your go to this week.)

  • Rub, pick or scratch, as the color may heal unevenly and you could risk infection, which in turn could lead to scarring. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate away.

  • Workout for 48 hours after the procedure

  • Sunbath or tan for 4 weeks after procedure

  • Wear heavy makeup of any kind for at least 2 weeks after the procedure.

  • Rub, pick, or scratch the area when it starts to flake. Leave it

  • Use any ointments (apart from the one provided), creams, vitamins on area

  • No sauna, swimming, beach, hot tubs until scabs are completely GONE!

  • Schedule facials, Botox, chemical treatments, or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks

  • No chemical peels, Botox, dermabrasion, or any other strong treatments for 4 weeks after procedure

  • Use creams containing acids such as; glycolic, lactic, salicylic, alpha hydroxy aka AHA, beta hydroxy aka BHA or ingredients that lightens and exfoliates the skin during the 40 days healing

Following the proper post-care is necessary to achieve the best results. When scheduling an appointment for a cosmetic tattoo keep in mind the healing time of the procedure will depend on your body’s regeneration, age, immune system, and lifestyle.


Long Term Care


You’ll find that your cosmetic tattoo will last between 3-5 years depending on your skin type, health condition and lifestyle  after your touch up session.

  • Future touch-up appointments are required to maintain their shape and depth of color. If you do not maintain it, the color will lighten over time. Fading greatly depends on your skin type, lifestyle, sun exposure, pigment color used, broken capillaries, and iron deficiency. We suggest that if you want to maintain your eyeliner looking its best, that you plan on scheduling a touch up once a year for best results.

  • The regular use of eye drops or other preparations instilled in the eyes will cause premature fading of permanent eyeliner.

  • Additional eye makeup application may still be required post tattoo to achieve your desired look

  • Exposure to the sun and tanning beds can cause fading and discoloration of the pigment.

  • Using a quality sunscreen daily will help prolong the health of your skin! UV light quickly fades tattoo ink and so a daily use of sunscreen will help it stay looking fresher, longer.

  • Avoid using chemical exfoliants or heavy creams on the eyes, as it will cause fading.

  • Do not laser near your eye area (IPL). Some lasers distort the color causing it to darken or lighten.

  • If you are planning a laser procedure or MRI scan, inform the technician of your cosmetic tattoo.

  • The use of Retin-A/Tretinoin, hydroquinone, or any other rapid skin exfoliation used regularly on any area surrounding the eye area will cause your cosmetic tattoo to fade prematurely.

  • The use of chemical peels, acid peels, lightening or any brightening product that targets hyper-pigmentation used regularly near the eye area can cause permanent eyebrows to fade prematurely.

  • The use of exfoliating cleansers, scrubs, cleansers with acne fighting ingredients or “acid” in the name will cause rapid exfoliation of the skin containing the pigment and will increase odds of premature fading.

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